Wednesday, May 29, 2013

I Think I Can...I Think I Can...

Not sure about you but here in SC we have 6 days left in this year. It's been a roller coaster in my professional career this year. I've had the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. I've laughed, cried, screamed (in both frustration and excitement) and danced through this year while growing in ways that I never would have dreamed. I hate that circumstances have kept me from blogging about the wonderful things going on in the Perch, but there's always next year. If you're like me you start planning for next year before this one has even ended! I've got my Pinterest boards full of ideas to use next year! Hopefully this summer will give me the time to work on those. That is in between chasing my 17 month old and 4-year old! I hope that the end of your year is amazing and special and that your children leave your room so well prepared for the next grade. We always have such high hopes and lofty ideas about what we hope to accomplish in the 9 months we've been given. We worry and stress when life gets in our way yet, somehow or another, they learn in spite of us. Isn't it amazing? Does any other profession have the satisfaction of changing lives and minds the way we do? I don't think so. I'm working on my EOY bulletin board that will be up in August and will post it when I finished. It's called "Owl I Really Need To Know I Learned in Kindergarten". I found the quotes from Robert Fulgham's book and thought it would be both a great closing sentiment for my current kindies and a great beginning sentiment for my newbies in the fall. I mean, after all, don't we kindergarten teachers teach them everything they need to know to succeed in life!! If you can stand in a line, wipe your nose, tie your shoes, sit in a chair, walk down a hallway, wash your hands, play nicely, share your things, eat with a fork, open your milk carton, read a book and write a sentence then thank a kindergarten teacher! Ok, enough with the sappy sentiments. Time for bed!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Look What I Found!

I've had so many questions about my dry erase circles, mostly about where to find them. Well, stop searching because I found some at Michael's! They are pricey (much more than I paid), but they are available. A 3 pack was $11.99 (steep) but if you use their standard coupon of 40% off then it's not too bad. Happy shopping!