Centers and Workshop Management
This is my Workshop Management board. Each day we do literacy and math workshops. There are 4 workshops: 2 are teacher led and 2 are independent. The workshop bins are color coded and they don't vary from week to week to keep it consistent. The bins I use are clear with colored tops (pink for literacy and blue for math). Each bin has a colored card on the front denoting what workshop it is: red with me, yellow with my aide, green is word work, blue is phonics. Each day students go to one workshop. When they are finished they go to their assigned learning centers for the day.
This is my center rotation chart. There are 11centers (8 learning centers and 3 "play" centers). Each day students go to the center board and find the task they are supposed to do. They work in pairs or threes. I rotate these daily. I keep the additional cards in a pouch and change them out as needed. The students are really good at knowing where to go and what to do. It has made life so easy and has helped curb the behavior issues of "I don't know what to do", "What do I do now?". Plus, it makes them responsible for taking charge of their learning by gathering their materials and having initiative to get started on their own. I love love love this system!
Guided Reading Management System
This is my reading group management board. It is on the wall right beside my guided reading table. I used an oil drip pan from Wal Mart and some magnets I found on the dollar aisle at Target. Each student has a magnet with their name on it. As I assess them throughout the year I move their magnet to reflect their level. The levels are color coded. This makes my life SO MUCH easier! I can quickly and easily check reading levels for report cards and makes grouping a breeze.
This is my organization system. Each drawer is labeled with a level (F&P) and is color coded to match the levels on the magnet board. In these drawers I keep my assessment binders, leveled benchmark books and the leveled readers we will be using for the week.
These are my assessment binders for each reading group. Again, they are color coded. I use removable sticky labels with student names on the front. As a student progresses to the next level I move their label to the binder for that level.
This is how I keep track of my students. Each student has a tab in the binder with their name on it. Behind each tab I keep both formal and informal running records and my anecdotal notes. As I am reading with a student I use a sticky note to make notes about their reading. I label the notes with the date and title of the book and write down notes that I think will help me when making decisions about interventions and mastery of the level. I place the sticky notes on the back of the tab divider with their name on it.
This is my leveled classroom library. This shelf is only for my use. I keep my leveled readers that I use during guided reading on the shelf. Levels A, B, and C on the top row are in color coded baskets. I will eventually have them all color coded. I have the books clipped into sets of 6 so all I have to do is pull a set each week and put in my organization drawers.
This is the student library. I love this area of the room. The bins are labeled by topic and/or author using book label cards I found on TPT (Erica Borher, I think). The books in each bin have a matching label on the back so students will know which bin the books belong in. The labels are taped on the front so I can easily change them out as the year progresses. I keep additional bins ready to go in my closet so I can pull them and change them out as needed.
This is our big book bin. I just got this through a grant on Donor's Choose, so I'm really proud of it!! I love it because it has 4 slots in the middle which help the books stand up nice and tall. No more drooping!
This is just a glimpse of how I manage guided reading. I hope you find this useful. As I said before, this was total trial and error, but it's an amazing feeling to finally be at a point where you have a system that works for you and your students and one that gives you more time to actually sit down and work with your students individually. The centers and workshop cards are available at my TPT store.