Friday, August 22, 2014

Round and Round and Do-ceri-do

Raise your hand if you've wondered about how you use ActiveInspire or ActiveStudio on your iPad. Ok, good. Here's the bad news- iOS doesn't support the software necessary to run the board. Want the good news? There's a way. Have you heard of Doceri? It's a program that allows you to manipulate your smart board via the wireless connection through your laptop. It's amazingly easy to use. Here's what you do:
1) Go to this link and download the program onto your computer that runs your smartboard. The free trial says 30 days, but I've been using mine for about 5 months. You can purchase the whole program for $30.

2) Download the free Doceri app onto your iPad.
3) Run Doceri on your computer and you will see the startup screen. There will be a couple of options to link your iPad. Choose one of the options.
4) Open Doceri on your iPad and choose the option "Through a computer running Doceri"
5) Once it syncs with your computer you are able to manipulate your computer via the iPad. This gives you the freedom to walk around your room and do the things you need to do on your computer, including running your smartboard. You can open flipcharts via the iPad and let students manipulate them on the iPad without having to leave their seat. It's awesome. So go, try, love, and share. It's an amazing thing that will free you up to do what you love to do....TEACH!!